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  • 레벨 훈련병 가솔린한모금 05/05 01:07 답글
    맞는 말씀입니다.

    광우병소를 아무리 검사하고 걸러낸다 하여도 100% 안전이란 없을수 있고,

    0.001%의 확률이라면 무시할수도 있습다만, 안전을 위해서는

    광우병 의심소는 무조건 처리하여야 하며, 더욱더 철처이 해야하는 것은 사실이지요
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 01:35 답글
    그니까 왜???

    무뇌충 짓은 하냐고!!!
  • 레벨 훈련병 가솔린한모금 05/05 01:52 답글
    bjs ...

    내가 광우병소 위험부위 먹는게 안전하다고 했는지나 보고와서, 골빈소리 띵띵울려가며 화내라고!!

    좋게 쓴글에 좋게 달아주면.. 눈치채야지...
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 01:56 답글
    긍깨 왜????

    미디어의 특성을 모르나????
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 01:59 답글
    딴나라의 공공연한 철칙이 뭐냐면 말이다.

    "한국의 국민은 바보다!"

    미디어에 많이 노출될 수록 진리다!

    이거 아니냐구!

    근깽 왜?

    바보 짓이냐???!!!
  • 레벨 훈련병 가솔린한모금 05/05 01:59 답글
    아 참.. 정말 그 미디어의 특성에 당신도 당했다고 이사람아..

    미디어가 굳이 정부옹호하는 신문과 방송만이 아니라구..
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 02:00 답글

    이 병신은 뭐라해도


    그랴 무뇌충 계속혀라~~~!!!!
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 02:01 답글
    위 글이 그냥 미디어을 통한 결론으로 보이냐????

  • 레벨 훈련병 가솔린한모금 05/05 02:09 답글
    참나.. 같은 생각을 가지고 있으면서도, 논지를 파악 못하는 병진새끼는 도대체 뭐하는 놈인지..

    무뇌충 같은놈..
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 02:12 답글
    병신새끼 아직도 몰러????!!!!
    니가 하는짓을 아직도 몰러????

    그니 무뇌충이지!!!
  • 레벨 훈련병 가솔린한모금 05/05 02:13 답글
    병신새끼 아직도 몰러????!!!!
    니가 하는짓을 나직도 몰러????

    그니 무뇌충이지!!!
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 02:14 답글

    병신새끼 아직도 몰러????!!!!
    니가 하는짓을 나직도 몰러????

    그니 무뇌충이지!!! 05/05 2:13
    답글 | 신고 ////

    그랴! 무 뇌 충!!!
  • 레벨 훈련병 가솔린한모금 05/05 02:16 답글

    병신새끼 아직도 몰러????!!!!
    니가 하는짓을 나직도 몰러????

    그니 무뇌충이지!!! 05/05 2:13
    답글 | 신고 ////

    그랴! 무 뇌 충!!!
  • 레벨 상사 2 모래네시장 05/05 09:28 답글
    북조선 넌 아직도 그러고 다니냐??? ㅉㅉㅉㅉㅉㅉㅉㅉㅉ
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 11:56 답글
    What is prion disease?

    Prion diseases belong to group of progressive conditions that affect the nervous system in humans and animals.

    ...인간과 동물의 신경조직에 작용한다.

    In people, prion diseases impair brain function, causing memory changes, personality changes, a decline in intellectual function (dementia), and problems with movement that worsen over time.

    인간광우병의 경우 뇌기능, 기억, 인성을 해치고, 인식(지식)의 감퇴와 지날수록 나빠지는 문제...
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 11:59 답글
    The signs and symptoms of these conditions typically begin in adulthood, and these disorders lead to death within a few months to several years.

    이 전형적 증상의 이 시작...이 장애로 몇 달 혹은 몇년 후 죽음에 이른다.

    Familial prion diseases of humans include classic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS),
    and fatal insomnia (FI). These conditions form a spectrum of diseases with overlapping signs and symptoms.
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 12:00 답글
    How common is prion disease?

    These disorders are very rare.

    ..드물다(광우병에 의하지 않은)
    They affect about one person per million worldwide each year.

    한 해에 백만명당 한명 꼴로...
    Approximately 300 cases occur annually in the United States.
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 12:02 답글
    What genes are related to prion disease?

    Mutations in the PRNP gene cause prion disease.

    Only a small percentage of prion disease cases run in families.

    가계에 의한 경우 작다.

    Most cases are sporadic, which means they occur in people without any known risk factors or gene mutations.

    Rarely, prion diseases can be transmitted by accidental exposure to prion-contaminated tissues during a medical procedure.

    드문경우 병원에서...

    This type of prion disease is called iatrogenic.

    One type of prion disease in humans, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), is acquired by eating beef products obtained from cattle with prion disease.

    In cows, this form of the disease is known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or, more commonly, "mad cow" disease.

    인간광우병...좀 더 일반적으로 광우병에 걸린 소를 먹음으로...
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 12:03 답글
    Another example of an acquired human prion disease is kuru, which was identified in the South Fore tribe in Papua New Guinea. The disorder was transmitted when tribe members ate the tissue of affected people during cannibalistic funeral rituals.

    Familial forms of prion disease are caused by inherited mutations in the PRNP gene. This gene provides instructions for making a protein called prion protein (PrP). Normally, this protein is likely involved in transporting copper into cells. It may also play a role in protecting brain cells and helping them communicate. In familial cases of prion disease, mutations in the PRNP gene cause cells to produce an abnormal form of the prion protein known as PrPSc. In iatrogenic and acquired cases, an affected person develops prion disease from exposure to this abnormal protein.

    In a process that is not fully understood, PrPSc has the ability to convert the normal prion protein, PrPC, into more PrPSc. This abnormal protein builds up in the brain, forming clumps that damage or destroy nerve cells. The loss of these cells creates microscopic sponge-like holes in the brain, which leads to the signs and symptoms of prion disease.
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 12:06 답글
    전염병(미쿡애덜도 확실히-전염의 구체적 경로- 모름) 맞고, 야내덜(미쿡)도 정신없이 연구중.

    이런 잠복기가 있는 질병의 특성상 큰 재앙이 있은 후에나...
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 15:17 답글

    Transmitting Prion Diseases In Milk

    ScienceDaily (Apr. 8, 2008) — Scrapie can be transmitted to lambs through milk, according to new research. The study provides important information on the transmission of this prion-associated disease and the control of scrapie in affected flocks. Scrapie is a fatal neurodegenerative disease of sheep and goats. Clinical signs include itchiness, head tremor, wool loss and skin lesions as well as changes in behaviour and gait.
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 15:20 답글
    Timm Konold and colleagues from the Veterinary Laboratories Agency in Weybridge, UK, investigated the transmission of scrapie by feeding milk from scrapie-affected ewes to lambs that are genetically susceptible to contracting scrapie. The researchers were looking for the presence of the prion protein, PrPd, which is associated with the disease.
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 15:21 답글
    Eighteen lambs were fed milk from scrapie-affected ewes. Three of these lambs were culled and two were found to have PrPd in intestinal tissues. The prion protein was also detected in lymphoid tissue of the gut of the surviving lambs and in some control lambs mixed with the scrapie milk recipients after weaning.
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 15:22 답글
    This suggested that scrapie milk recipients were able to shed the infectious agent and infect other lambs. There was no sign of PrPd in tissue samples from a control group of 10 lambs(one culled and the rest alive), which were housed in the same building but fed milk from healthy ewes. The research will continue, to see whether the lambs with PrPd develop the disease as they get older.

    This work raises the possibility that other prion diseases could be transmitted in sheep via milk although it should have no direct implications for human health. Scrapie has been found in sheep and has not been shown to be transmissible to humans. BSE has not been found naturally in sheep and occurrence in sheep in the UK is considered to be unlikely. This research adds to our understanding of the transmission of prion diseases in sheep and would help to inform measures needed to protect human health if BSE were ever to be found in sheep.

    Journal reference: Evidence of scrapie transmission via milk. Timm Konold, S. Jo Moore, Susan J. Bellworthy, and Hugh A. Simmons. BMC Veterinary Research (in press)

    Adapted from materials provided by BMC Veterinary Research, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 15:28 답글

    Prion disease spreads through sheep milk

    16 April 2008

    From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.

    EWES infected with scrapie, the sheep equivalent of mad cow disease, can transmit the disease to lambs through their milk. Should we be worried? Does BSE spread to calves or even humans in cows' milk? And do mothers with variant Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (vCJD), the human equivalent of BSE, spread it to breastfeeding infants?

    "Absolutely not," says Chris Higgins of the UK government's Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee, which discussed the scrapie results before their publication online this week in BMC Veterinary Research. Higgins says there is plenty of epidemiological and analytical evidence that BSE doesn't spread in cows' milk, and no evidence yet that vCJD spreads in mothers' milk.

    However, the new findings do help explain how scrapie spreads in sheep.

    Experiments on lambs genetically predisposed to developing scrapie provided the proof. At the UK Veterinary Laboratories Agency in Weybridge, Surrey, Timm Konold and his colleagues fed 18 lambs with milk from scrapie-infected ewes, while 15 controls received uncontaminated milk.

    Gut tissues from two out of three culled "scrapie-fed" lambs were positive for scrapie, as were biopsies from the rectums of the 15 surviving scrapie-fed animals. Rectal samples from controls were negative, implying that milk spread the disease.
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/05 16:35 답글
    위 문건은 보는봐와 같이 2008년 4월의 것이다.

    어느나라건 정부는 사건, 사고를 은폐하려든다.

    UK의 관료도 "Absolutely not," 이란다.

    USA는 어떠할까???
    더하면 더하지 덜하지는 않을 것

    위 문장의 다음 단락은

    "그러나"(However)로 시작한다.

    이제 세계 각 정부의 주댕이에 재갈을 물리는

    연구들이 하나 하나 시작됬을 뿐이다.
  • 레벨 일병 05/05 21:06 답글
    ◀정말 탄핵 할 마음의 준비가 되셨나요??▶ 이 방법으로 탄핵을 국민이 발의 할 수 있다고 합니다. 이후 어느 국회의원이 찬반을 했는지, 실명 투표를 해야하기 때문에, 향후 국회의원의 정치행보에도 많은 영향을 줄 수 있어 상당한 힘을 발휘하는 것 같아요. 저는 잘 모르겠지만.. 계속 관련 글이 올라오니깐.. 지푸라기라도 잡는 심정이시라면..서명 방법은 http://www.assembly.go.kr/index.jsp(국회) -> 참여광장 -> 국회민원 -> 민원신청(제목은 ▶탄핵◀이 들어가야 함), 이후 실명인증 하신 후 민원현황을 클릭 하신 후 확인하시면 됩답니다.......(참조:과격한 발언 유도=알바=무시)

    저도 신청했습니다. 꼭 이루어졌으면... 합니다.
  • 레벨 훈련병 DrSpeed 05/05 23:47 답글
    인터넷에 아무리 떠들어봤자 소용없음. 모니터보다가 눈만 나빠짐.
  • 레벨 대장 bjs 05/06 03:01 답글
    현재 우리나라에는 소해면상뇌증이 발생하고 있지 않으므로 국내에 이 질병이 유입되지 않도록 하는 것이 최선의 방역대책으로써 철저한 검역을 통하여 소해면상뇌증 발생국산 반추류 동물이나 그 생산물(우유 및 유제품, 원피 제외) ///

    위 부분을 보자!

    Prion disease spreads through sheep milk

    16 April 2008

    However, the new findings do help explain how scrapie spreads in sheep.

    Experiments on lambs genetically predisposed to developing scrapie provided the proof. At the UK Veterinary Laboratories Agency in Weybridge, Surrey, Timm Konold and his colleagues fed 18 lambs with milk from scrapie-infected ewes, while 15 controls received uncontaminated milk.

    한국쪽 문건과 현제 보고된 문건(UK)이 세부항목에서 차이를 보인다.
    (물론 시간적 차이도 있겠으나,
    안전성여부가 입증되지 않은 사실은
    위험하다 보는 것이 타당하다.

    위험이 증명되지 않았으니 안전하다는
    말은 무뇌충이나 할 소리!!!)

    정부의 주장(수입소 안전성)의 상당 부분은

    그리고 이런 사실들은 연구진행 중인 사실들이다.

    정부가 앞장서서 그 안전성 여부를 증명해야 할 것을 되려
    시민이, 국민이???
  • 레벨 1 산파할아버지 05/06 09:11 답글
    미쿡소 미쿡인들 안먹는다고 한새퀴들 다 어디 버로우 탔냐?


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